What is a “Day in the Life” Video?

What is a “Day in the Life” Video?

“Day in the Life” videos are usually presented in a courtroom to demonstrate to a jury the severity of a plaintiff’s medical condition or limitations and the impact on a person’s life. A day-in-the-life video can show how common daily actions like eating, bathing, or even getting out of bed can be incredibly difficult or nearly impossible for a person who has suffered a serious injury. Day in the Life videos are produced to show the extent of a person’s dependency, limitations, and frustrations and give an inside look into his or her daily life.

Day-in-the-life videos can be a very powerful tool and a strong form of evidence for personal injury cases. They provide a visual testimony of sorts for the plaintiff’s injuries and daily challenges. Day-in-the-life videos are considered a form of in-court demonstration to show the extent of a person’s injuries, and can be subject to judicial discretion. When considering the admissibility of a day-in-the-life video, most courts allow them, provided that their “probative value outweighs any prejudice to the defendant and there are no demonstrated improprieties in the videos content or production techniques.” If the injured person’s attorney can provide authentication of the above-mentioned requirements, the day in the life video should be allowed in court.

A Day in the Life video is typically 10-15 minutes in length and depicts a person’s life (in abbreviated form) and all important daily activities from the moment they get out of bed to the moment they go to sleep at night. It is one of the most effective ways to show how much the plaintiff’s injuries are hindering even the simplest tasks that we often take for granted. Capturing these elements of pain and suffering can be very difficult for attorneys to do through any other medium. If you would like to produce a Day-in-the-Life video for your client, contact the expert videographers at In Focus Studios. We have produced many legal videos and can help you create a high-quality video to help strengthen your case. Call today for a free consultation. We are located near Chapel Hill, NC and Washington, D.C.

About The Author

Jeff is the founder of In Focus Studios. The company has serviced Maryland, DC, Virginia and North Carolina since 1999. Jeff began his video career by videotaping weddings, but was quickly introduced to the world of corporate video production. Since then he has produced marketing videos, medical videos and webcasts. He also works with athletes from Baltimore, Washington DC and Raleigh, NC. He is a fan of 80’s music videos. He enjoys all aspects of video production, including lighting, directing and editing.
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