More Taxpayers Turn to Video for Advice on Filing Taxes

More Taxpayers Turn to Video for Advice on Filing Taxes

Tax Day is on April 15th; only a week away. For many Americans, tax season is a very stressful, confusing time of the year. Where do you turn with your tax-filing questions? Studies show more and more people are turning to the web when preparing for tax returns. Marketers are looking for the most effective ways to answer taxpayers’ questions on the Internet, and trends show more people are searching YouTube for tax advice than ever before. How are brands responding to this video trend?

According to the IRS, 85% of all tax returns were filed electronically last year. The majority of Americans are trading paperwork and envelopes for e-filing software and text alerts, making the process of filing taxes much faster and easier. Only about 30% of taxpayers prefer to work with a professional tax preparation service. Not only are people filing taxes online, they are also looking for helpful information on HOW to file taxes online. According to Google, “how-to” tax questions are up 37% since 2012, and started trending earlier in the season, and tax video searches on YouTube are up 254% since 2011. This presents a great opportunity for brands to offer helpful video content that provides the answers to the tax questions people are asking on the web.

For example, TurboTax – an easy-to-use self-prep tax software – has created a YouTube playlist of tax tip videos. The videos address frequently asked questions about deductions, tax law, and advice for small business owners. By monitoring search trends throughout tax season, brands can react by addressing the most popular search topics through relevant video content. Some of the most popular “how-to” search terms entered into Google during tax season include:
– “how to file a tax return online”
– “how to do small business taxes”
– “how to do your taxes for the first time:
– “how to file taxes yourself”
– “how to file taxes for free”

Using informative video content to answer these common questions can help build trust and credibility for your brand. Above all, make sure the videos you create remain true to your core product or service offerings. Don’t create a tax video just for the sake of trying to grab some internet traffic. If your company deals with finances, business consulting, or even life coaching, a tax video may be a great opportunity to reach out a helping hand to your target market.

For more information on informative video content, or if you’d like to create a tax video for your brand, contact the experts at In Focus Studios for a free consultation. With studios in Raleigh, NC and Annapolis, MD, we help businesses all across the southeast with all types of video and photography services. Call today for more information.

About The Author

Jeff is the founder of In Focus Studios. The company has serviced Maryland, DC, Virginia and North Carolina since 1999. Jeff began his video career by videotaping weddings, but was quickly introduced to the world of corporate video production. Since then he has produced marketing videos, medical videos and webcasts. He also works with athletes from Baltimore, Washington DC and Raleigh, NC. He is a fan of 80’s music videos. He enjoys all aspects of video production, including lighting, directing and editing.
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