How Web Video Quality Can Affect Your Brand’s Reputation

How Web Video Quality Can Affect Your Brand’s Reputation

Brightcove, a popular video hosting platform, recently released a study that showed how poor quality video can significantly impact the way a customer views a brand. The study involved 1200 consumers who watch video at least two times per month. According to the study, video viewers have high expectations when it comes to online video experience. Is your brand meeting these expectations?

The study revealed that brands are failing to invest in the professional presentation of their videos, and are spending too much time working on messaging, viewer engagement, and calls-to-action. This is consequently ruining brand image for many companies. Even the best message, when delivered poorly, can make for a really bad viewer experience.

Jeff Whatcott, CMO of Brightcove, believes a high-video experience can mean the difference between a sale and a loss. A poor-quality video that is constantly trying to buffer can turn off a viewer in a matter of seconds. Whatcott also stated that “an over reliance on free video tools like YouTube can potentially have negative long-term effects” on brand reputation.

Brightcove’s study revealed that viewers are 62% more likely to develop a negative opinion about a brand with a poor-quality video, and 1 in 5 viewers would hesitate to buy from a brand that offered a poor-quality video experience.

What does all of this mean? Poor quality videos mean poor brand reputation and lost sales.

Roughly 75% of those surveyed have experienced buffering and freezing issues when trying to view YouTube videos. About one-third of consumers say buffering interrupts at least half of the videos they watch on YouTube. Many of these viewers abandon the video immediately, rather than waiting for it to resolve. If your videos don’t play quickly and smoothly, you’re losing viewers – and losing sales.

Billions of hours of video content are viewed on YouTube every month; it’s the most popular video network – and second-largest search engine – on the Internet. You shouldn’t stray away from YouTube, but work to ensure your videos are optimized and of the highest quality to create the absolute best video experience for your viewers. If this means hosting your web videos on platforms other than YouTube – then so be it! YouTube can be part of a larger video marketing strategy – it shouldn’t be your only tool for video hosting or distribution. Do what’s best for your brand, your videos, and your consumers.

For more information about creating high-quality web videos, contact the experts at In Focus Studios. Our video team can help you with all your online video needs. Call today for a free consultation!

About The Author

Jeff is the founder of In Focus Studios. The company has serviced Maryland, DC, Virginia and North Carolina since 1999. Jeff began his video career by videotaping weddings, but was quickly introduced to the world of corporate video production. Since then he has produced marketing videos, medical videos and webcasts. He also works with athletes from Baltimore, Washington DC and Raleigh, NC. He is a fan of 80’s music videos. He enjoys all aspects of video production, including lighting, directing and editing.
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