Does Video Marketing Work better for B2B or B2C Companies?

Does Video Marketing Work better for B2B or B2C Companies?

Consumer-targeting brands quickly jumped on the video marketing bandwagon and are often the first to adopt any new video technology to stay on the forefront of the B2C advertising scene. Business-to-Business companies, however, have been a little hesitant to delve into video marketing with the misinterpretation that B2B companies can’t get the same benefits from video as B2C companies. This is simply not true. Even if your target market is Fortune 500 companies in the industrial manufacturing sector, your decision makers and buyers are still watching video ads.

Web videos about products and services offer great insight into the benefit to the consumer or businesses, as well as the credibility of the brand. People – including business owners – often turn to online video to quickly get the information they seek before making a purchase. The buying process is essentially the same for businesses as it is for consumers: attract, persuade, and convert! Video can help you build authority and brand awareness; video helps get your message across clearly and effectively; finally, video converts leads into sales at a much higher rate than any marketing tool available.

Think of your B2B marketing video as a replacement for your salesperson. Business owners, like consumers, want to buy but don’t want to be sold to. They want to research your products and services on their own before making the decision to buy. Your marketing video should be less of a direct sell, but should still have a clear call-to-action. Give your viewers a reason to keep watching, to learn more about your company and what you have to offer. For many B2B companies, the 1-minute elevator pitch can be very boring and ineffective, especially for highly technical industries. Video can make complex concepts easier to grasp by illustrating exactly how your products or services work, or how they offer a solution to a particular problem.

If you need help creating an effective marketing video for your B2B company, contact In Focus Studios today. We can help you with all your video and photography needs, to ensure your business looks professional and ahead of the game. Located near Raleigh, North Carolina and Washington, D.C., our video production team serves the entire east coast. Call today for a free consultation!

About The Author

Jeff is the founder of In Focus Studios. The company has serviced Maryland, DC, Virginia and North Carolina since 1999. Jeff began his video career by videotaping weddings, but was quickly introduced to the world of corporate video production. Since then he has produced marketing videos, medical videos and webcasts. He also works with athletes from Baltimore, Washington DC and Raleigh, NC. He is a fan of 80’s music videos. He enjoys all aspects of video production, including lighting, directing and editing.
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