Helping Hand of the Month on the In Focus Team: Fil Sibley

Helping Hand of the Month on the In Focus Team: Fil Sibley

Fil, a 27-year video veteran and part of the In Focus Studios staff since 2005, is a versatile shooter and has mastered the craft of getting just the right shot for many types of corporate, marketing, and live events.

Here is one of his memorable experiences working with In Focus Studios:

“I enjoy filming sports, especially when the weather is perfect. One very cold afternoon, I had to shoot 3 games in a row, fingers stiff and barely feeling the record button. How did I do it? Purely mind over matter. Like all sports-devoted people, you push yourself to the limit and beyond! I’m glad I was wearing gloves and long underwear as well.

So, I get back to the car, very glad to warm up inside. Then, a referee taps on my window – he said he had no gloves for the last 2 games. His hands got so cold and stiffened up so much that he could not turn the key to start his car. So, he asked me to help him start his car. That’s a new one for me!”

Thanks for your hard work and dedication Fil!

About The Author

Jeff is the founder of In Focus Studios. The company has serviced Maryland, DC, Virginia and North Carolina since 1999. Jeff began his video career by videotaping weddings, but was quickly introduced to the world of corporate video production. Since then he has produced marketing videos, medical videos and webcasts. He also works with athletes from Baltimore, Washington DC and Raleigh, NC. He is a fan of 80’s music videos. He enjoys all aspects of video production, including lighting, directing and editing.
InFocus Studios